Riga Higher Institute of Religious Sciences, affiliated to Lateran Pontifical University provides study programs based on Catholic Theology:
· Bachelor in Humanities (Religion)
· Master’s in religion, qualification awarded: pastoral counsellor.
The students include the religious and lay people, men, and women.
· Bachelor’s and master’s study programs are realized in the form of part-time studies – classes are on weekends – Friday night 17.30 -21.15, Saturday 9.00- 16.30.
· Incoming students are welcomed to choose any number of individual courses.
· A short Latvian language course can be added to the study program for incoming students.
· Some study courses are available in English for the group of incoming students.
· Individual tutorials are available in English, Italian, French, or German.
· Incoming students are welcome to the library.
· The accommodation could be provided, if necessary, in religious communities.
· Please, contact Erasmus+ program coordinator Inese Augškalne: email:, phone +371 24332901
Office hours: Wednesday, Thursday 10.00-15.00
Language policy
Courses, available in English are marked in Course Catalogue. On certain occasions, incoming students are offered private consultations in French, German, Italian, Polish or Russian language.
Course of Latvian language is available (4 Latvian creditpoints, 6 ETC) for incoming students groups.